1.Basic Policy
FUJI AUTOMATION Co., Ltd. (hereinafter collectively “Our Company”) recognizes that all personal information provided by you, our customers and clients through their business with Our Company must be handled and protected with the utmost care. Therefore, Our Company will follow the basic policy stated below to fulfill its responsibility.
- In handling any personal information, Our Company pledges to fully comply with the Private Information Protection Law (hereinafter the “Law”), other relevant laws and regulations, and pursuant to practices in this respect that are generally accepted as fair and reasonable. Further, Our Company will continuously endeavors to improve handlng such personal information.
- Our Company will continuously update and revise rules and management systems for handling and protection of personal information and ensure compliance by its employees with such rules and systems. Further, Our Company will ensure to appropriately supervise their trustees if any.
- Our Company will use personal information only to the extent and for the purposes specified (hereinafter the “Purpose”), which will be announced or noticed to the persons to whom the information pertains.
- Our Company will take necessary measures to properly manage and protect personal information to prevent it from being leaked, lost, and falsified.
5.Our Company through its specific office will faithfully make all efforts to promptly receive, correct, revise, delete or cease personal information in possession upon verification that the personal making the request is indeed the data subject.
2.Purposes of Use of Personal information
Our Company may lawfully use personal information only as needed for its business performance according to its business purposes to the extent that it may require.:
- to inform and provide its products and services;
- to develop its products and services;
- to procure raw materials, goods and services; and
- to respond to enquiries by the individual.
3.Disclosure to Third Party
Our Company will not disclose personal information to any third party except for use of personal information within Our Company or to its trustees stated above and the following cases:
- When person’s approval is granted beforehand;
- When the disclosure is in a statistical form which does not identify person;
- When the disclosure is required by applicable laws and ordinances. Also, we may disclose your personal information to respond to subpoenas, and court orders;
- When the disclosure is necessary to protect human life, human body and personal property, while it is difficult to obtain person’s agreement to disclose his or her personal information; or
- When the disclosure of personal information is necessary to support a public operation of the national government or the municipality that person’s refusal to allow the disclosure of personal information would limit the accomplishment of such operation.
You may request to obtain confirmation concerning whether Our Company is holding or processing personal data relating to you, and confirmation concerning the use of the personal information in possession of Our Company. If such a request is made, Our Company requires that your proof of identity should be provided. When Our Company finds it necessary to disclose, Our Company will disclose your personal information in possession of Our Company to you to a reasonable extent and in a reasonable period of time.
5.Correction, Deletion, etc
You may request to correct, add or delete your personal information. If such a request is made, Our Company requires that your proof of identity should be provided. When Our Company finds it necessary to correct, add or delete, Our Company will correct, add or delete your personal information in possession of Our Company to a reasonable extent and in a reasonable period of time.
6.Suspension of Use and Elimination
You may request to cease the use or eliminate personal information. If such a request is made, Our Company requires that your proof of identity should be provided. When Our Company finds it necessary to cease the use or eliminate in accordance with the Section 27 of the Law, Our Company will cease the use or eliminate your personal information in possession of Our Company to a reasonable extent and in a reasonable period of time.
Please note that if part or all of your personal information becomes unavailable to us, we may not be able to provide satisfying service. Your kind understanding and cooperation will be appreciated. (There may be cases that we are not able to answer your request to suspend our use of or to delete the personal information, if the personal information were managed in accordance with the related laws and regurations.)
7.Use of Personal Information Within Our Company
Our Company may share personal information, including personal name, address, telephone number, mail address, purchasing history of products, place of employment, job title, etc., with its group companies as listed herein for the Purpose. Our Company will be solely responsible for such use. For any inquiries, complaints please refer to the contact address stated hereunder.
3442, Mida, Kounosu-shi,Saitama-ken, 365-0062, Japan
TEL:+81-48-596-6291 (Contact us)